Research Program 2, Project 2 – An Investigation into the Degradation of Non-Metallic Components of Oil and Gas Infrastructure in the Ocean

Full Project Title

An Investigation into the Degradation of Non-Metallic Components of Oil and Gas Infrastructure in the Ocean

NDRI Reference

Project 2.2

Project Proponents

Curtin University Corrosion Centre


Q2 2021


Materials used in oil and gas structures, such as non-metals (e.g. plastics) used in the construction of pipelines, will break down over time. However, there are many influences on the rates at which these materials will degrade. This project seeks to improve understanding of material degradation and their potential fate in the marine environment.

  1. To conduct a critical review and gather baseline information and data to gain a clear and comprehensive understanding of the current status and global state of knowledge.
  2. To develop local and international collaborations that will guide the phases of the program. This will lead to the development of local expertise in the field of degradation of non-metallic components of decommissioned subsea infrastructure.
  3. To conduct proof of concept studies to define reliable and representative methods, protocols, and accelerated testing procedures for assessing degradation rates and mechanisms of non-metallic materials under the most representative subsea conditions, considering both biotic and abiotic influences.
  4. To develop a scope of work for Phase 2 of the project, which will focus on the development of predictive multiscale models to predict the long-term behaviour and degradation kinetics of non-metallic components in the ocean.

An Investigation into the Degradation of Non-metallic Components of O&G Infrastructure in the Ocean – Report 1 Literature Review

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An Investigation into the Degradation of Non-metallic Components of O&G Infrastructure in the Ocean – Report 2 A Degradation Model

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An Investigation into the Degradation of Non-metallic Components of O&G Infrastructure in the Ocean – Report 3 Experimental validation of the role of marine sediments on degradation rates

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Degradation and lifetime prediction of plastics in subsea and offshore infrastructures

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