
The NDRI is seeking to undertake research to support improved understanding of the potential impact of decommissioned O&G structures on:

  • Potential impact of decommissioning O&G structures on life in the marine environment.
  • Potential contaminants released in the marine environment if structures remain in-situ.
  • Public Perceptions of Decommissioning Oil and Gas Infrastructure.

These objectives are being pursued through the research programs outlined below.

A Roadmap of Offshore Oil and Gas Decommissioning Research Priorities and Projects

  • Research roadmap

    The project was driven by the need to solicit input and insights from a wide range of stakeholders, who had influence and interest in decommissioning decisions and approvals, to ensure the key issues, opportunities and questions were captured.

Research Program 1: Potential impact of decommissioning O&G structures on life in the marine environment

  • Habitat Value of O&G Structures

    Potential habitat value of O&G infrastructure for marine organisms, particularly for commercially and recreationally-important fish.

  • Connectivity

    Ecological connectivity between and within the vicinity of O&G infrastructure and the broader marine environment.

  • Biosecurity

    Improved understanding of the risk and spread of invasive marine species (IMS) as a result of various decommissioning options and whether this is likely to be a matter of concern.

Research Program 2: Potential contaminants released in the marine environment if structures remain in-situ.

  • Metal degradation

    Understanding of the lifespan of decommissioned O&G infrastructure in the ocean, including the degradation mechanisms and rate of deterioration of metals.

  • Material of new coating with improved properties scientific research

    Non-metal degradation

    Understanding of the lifespan of decommissioned O&G infrastructure in the ocean, including the degradation mechanisms and rate of deterioration of non-metals.

  • COPC Assessment

    Risk-based Marine Impact Assessment of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMS) and Mercury from Decommissioning Oil and Gas Infrastructure

Research Program 3: Public Perceptions of Decommissioning Oil and Gas Infrastructure

  •  person viewing a survey on a tablet

    Case study

    Using the IT’S COMPLICATED Exhibition at MOD. information was collected about existing attitudes and perceptions regarding decommissioning of oil and gas infrastructure.